Pokorny Attila

My works are linked to the organic world, both old and new ones alike, my sculptures are reflecting some stamping, in the form of empty seats, a stone pressed traces, some states and left crumpled rags, as well as my works which are made in whatever landscape or in the nature.

My Vision

Recently in parallel with I`m dealing with stone-sculpting and land-art which in some cases has a nature of site-specific intervention. My land-art works appears like a stampings as well, hidden in the nature, such as sewing which occurs on the material’s surface.


These works are diving into other type of reality and also are some state-determinatives; and were inspired by stitching together of a seceding textile, cross suture and the clothes minuscule sutures. In all cases I aspire to a kind of poetry or lyricism impregnate with a kind of reflexive content, but here the time rules a very important, and in many cases the minutes as occurred during the event. The works evolve over time, and were destroyed so to speak)

Towards an Endless Sculpture

Attila Pokorny’s sculptures express our relation to nature, to the permanence of nature within the human consciousness and sensibility. His sculptures are flexible, adaptable, part of a living process. We can consider Pokorny’s sculptures Endless Sculptures for they participate in nature’s cycle of life, a process that goes on and on forever. As endless sculptures, Pokorny seizes on the ephemeral aspect of life, that everything is changing, in transition, part of a process of life. In so doing he establishes his understanding of life’s place in art, and art’s place in life. An art that comprehends sustainability is truly an art with a vision. There is a continuous tension in the nature culture exchange that is healthy. In screen-bred cultures of the new technology we sometimes forget our place in the physical tactile world.
"John K. Grande 2"
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Get in touch with me.

2011 Budakalász, Hungary +36 (06) 30 61 28 464 kobybreny@yahoo.com pokorny.hu/
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